The perfect e-scooter for boat owners

- small & foldable

- light & strong

- Patented load system

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With a boat there is always something to transport!

Whether boat battery or fuel canister. Provisions or drinks. If you have a boat, then you also have a lot of things that have to be transported from A for car to B for boat. In most cases, you can't drive right up to the boat, but have to walk a few metres - in the worst case, even a few hundred. A Moovi e-scooter with load system is an enormous help here, because the e-scooter transports many different things and is easy on your nerves and back.

Scooter with drink box 400
Moovi e-scooter in use on the boat
Extremely small pack size
scooter with canister
incredibly strong
The Moovit load system explained in a graphic

The load system from Moovi is called "Moovit" and can be used flexibly. The universal holder is attached to the red ring and thus serves for the luggage carrier or also for the system holding plate to "plug in". Very simple, easy and fast!

Which Moovi e-scooters are available and what are the differences?

...and what do they have in common? Both e-scooters are expandable with the patented and worldwide unique load system "Moovit". You can see this from the small red ring on the steering axle. The universal holder is attached there. Luggage racks, baskets, boxes or other elements can then be attached there using the system holder plate.

Other common features are the STVO-compliant top speed of 20 km/h, the lighting with LED front and rear reflectors, the KERS brake with energy recovery and the small on-board computer with 3-step control, as well as displays for speed, battery and kilometres.

Car Prtaxistest Seal 2020

The Cargo Sparset contains:

1. one Moovi e-scooter

Moovi Pro Comfort with icons and data

2. the MoovIt® universal mount as a basis

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3. the MoovIt® luggage carrier made of ALU

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The Moovis have been tested by people who need to know.

Many well-known trade journals have already addressed the topic of "e-scooters on board". Here are a few PDF excerpts. You can find even more on this topic on our page Moovi e-scooter tests.

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