The Moovi e-scooter blog

Here you will find interesting facts about e-scooters in general, but of course also many news about our products.

moovi auf messen unterwegs

Current: Moovi at trade fairs

 Auf diesen Messen könnt Ihr die Moovi E-Scooter Probefahren und euch von dem praktischen Lastensystem überzeugen. ABF Hannover 12.02.- 16.02.24

The basket for e-scooters from Moovi in practical use

Basket for e-scooter

More practical than you think: A basket for the e-scooter! A shopping basket on the e-scooter is not only practical, but also much

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E-Scooter Tuning: What is allowed?

E-scooter tuning: dangers, regulations and sanctions Since 2019, e-scooters have been officially approved for road traffic as miniature electric vehicles - but only with

E Scooter as an alternative to the car

Alternative to the car: e-scooters?

At the latest since climate change has become increasingly threatening and present, we have been looking for environmentally friendly alternatives to the car. Now come the


How to turn your Moovi into a load Moovi

We have talked a lot with you about how e-scooters can be integrated even better into everyday life. That's why we put our heads together and came up with something new. .....

Tesla Transport Check

Moovi StVo in the Tesla Transport Check at News-on-Tour

E-mobility has been on everyone's lips since the middle of last year at the latest. In the automotive sector, Tesla is considered the measure of all things. When it comes to e-scooters in the commuter class, our Moovi StVo is right up there with them. So what could be more natural than stowing your Moovi StVo in your Tesla?

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